Save 41 hours

a week

with Valetto™

Start Your Free Trial
Job Created
Job Assigned to Valeter
Job Completed - Awaiting Approval
Job Approved
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Mobile Friendly
Connect to Valetto wherever you are, access and action jobs from anywhere with our mobile friendly user interface.
Real-Time Staff Visibility & Timesheets
Full visibility of timesheets, see who stayed late, who arrived early. Restrict log-ins to “on-site only” with our location services.
Cloud-based Reporting & Invoicing
From alerting duplicated jobs, to valeter leaderboards. See a real-time detailed view of your business.
Advanced Approval Processes
See photos uploaded for every job, allow valeters to postpone jobs if they are unable to get started.

Real time visibility of your valeting.

See what jobs are being worked on.
See how long was spent on each job.
See all pitch vehicles.
See which jobs are next up.
See ratings for your valeters.
See valeters timesheets.
See all invoices and which have been paid.

What our customers are saying...

Valeting Companies:

Valetto has become a vital part of our business process. The difference it has made to our efficiency is unprecedented and has reduced our workload significantly. Valetto has also made our business process more transparent for our clients, allowing them to better understand the service they are receiving.

Jeremy Smith
Managing Director, Fleetshine

Dealer Groups:

After using Valetto in our business this transformed the visibility of work rate and quality, whilst reducing costs from duplicated valets. [...] the sales department reaped all the benefits of being able to see the valeters progressing through jobs without leaving the showroom.

Jeremy Bates
Group Managing Director, Cars2

Our Values:

Visibility | Efficiency | Quality

We believe that this triad of values run through every screen of Valetto™️, and by opening up communication between valeters and dealerships, we can facilitate higher quality, higher capacity valeting.

*Save 41 hours a week is based on average time saving of 10mins per job, at an average of 50 jobs per week (based on actual figures)